Why You Need A High Quality Weather App On Your Smartphone

For most of us, one of the very first things we do when we wake up is to check the weather. Whether that be by groggily turning on the news, pulling up our laptops, or more likely, pulling up whatever weather app came pre-installed on our smartphones. We want to know what we should expect for the day.
What most of us are unaware of however, is a lot of these sources aren’t as accurate or up to date as they could be, leading them to change drastically throughout the day. This means after carefully planning out your outfit for the day, you can still walk outside on your lunch break and find it raining, even though the forecast that morning said not to bring your umbrella.
Because of this, having a reliable, high quality, weather app on your smartphone is a good idea. Why?
It will not only eradicate this issue, it can actually impact your life for the better in ways you many never have considered before. You can work on your travel itinerary too.
[toc]1. It’s a great tool to have when you travel.
A quality weather app is going to show you the extended weather forecast for where you are going before you get there, thus giving you a good idea of what you should pack, without fear of drastic changes in the weather forecasts once you get there. Also, it will allow you to be prepared in a unfamiliar climate.
So instead of venturing out in Seattle every day with your umbrella just in case, you can just check your app to determine weather or not its needed for the day.
2. It’s a great way to stay safe.
You will receive up to date alerts about the weather in your current location, including information on lighting storms, flash floods, tornados and more. This in turn gives you a leg up in staying safe, as it allows you to get to a safe place before the storm strikes.
3. It can be helpful in every day life.
When getting ready in the morning, checking the weather in an app you can count on to be correct can change your whole day. From allowing you to see down to the hour what the temperature outside will be, (thus giving you the ability to dress so you’ll be comfortable no matter what), to showing you how the weather is affecting the traffic via traffic alerts, all the way to helping you to determine whether to park in the garage so you don’t have to wipe off your windshields the next morning. The point is, a quality weather app can make your life more comfortable, easier and save you time.
That said, there’s no getting around the fact we live in a world where the climate is ever changing. However, having a quality weather app — like WeatherBug for instance, which sends real time updates, offers a 10 day forecast and uses 18 different weather maps among other things — can give you some control when it comes to preparing for what mother nature has in store.
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