Whatsapp [WORKING] Unblock trick for 2018

WhatsApp Tricks are the most searched term over the internet. It is the most popular messenger at present. Whatsapp provides fast delivery of messages and easy to use interface. But to be honest there is other site of this story too. If you want to read who is better hike or whatsapp then read the full ongoing battle on hike vs whatsapp. It will be good for you to understand these best whatsapp tricks then.
I will also tell whatsapp hack how to know someone block you i.e known as whatsapp blocking tricks among tech geeks. This trick will also help you to know how to unblock yourself on whatsapp latest version. Answer for “If someone blocked me on whatsapp how to unblock in new version?”
Whatsapp messenger is available for almost all platform like android, iOS, symbian, Blackberry etc. It is also the first smartphone messenger which is also available for the non-smartphone platform i.e. Nokia Asha Platform. Currently GBWhatsapp is going very popular. You can also download GB Whatsapp App. Whatsapp has a large active user base which even beats the facebook record for most active users.
This article whatsapp tricks will answer your queries like
- whatsapp tricks and cheats
- whatsapp tricks
- whatsapp tricks and tips
- whatsapp tricks 2016
It also contains whatsapp tricks for how to unblock yourself on latest version of whatsapp without anybody knowing.
Over the past few years whatsapp has grown exponentially. There are many whatsapp tricks which are not well known. These whatsapp tricks provides additional functionality over the traditional whatsapp messenger. Sometimes these tricks even provide you some functionality which whatsapp restricts in its whatsapp bundle.
[toc]Best Whatsapp tricks collection
Here we have collected some of the best collection of whatsapp tips & tricks you might not aware of. I bet many of these whatsapp hacks and tricks will be rarely known to you. Try these on your smartphone you will certainly look stunned :). Many users are searching for cool whatsapp tricks 2016. So we have updated this list of working whatsapp tricks to enjoy all these cool whatsapp tricks.
Just go through this article. It will hardly take 5 minutes to know all these whatsapp hacking tricks.
I will reveal all whatsapp codes and tricks in the coming tricks.
If you want to know about famous tricks to know whatsapp group names then you can follow the link.you might have whatsapp query like
if someone blocked me on whatsapp how to unblock in new version?
or if someone blocked me on whatsapp can I see their profiles pictures?
or if someone has blocked me on whatsapp can they see my messages/ status?
or how do I know if someone has blocked me on whatsapp?
Then this post is for you. Because in this post you will get answer of all these questions. 🙂
So here we go
1. Prevent Double Blue Tick in Whatsapp Messenger-Whatsapp tricks
Do you want to know how you can prevent blue stick in whatsapp messenger? If yes then you are at the right place. Just follow this whatsapp tricks and prevent blue stick on whatsapp. This is one of the best whatsapp hidden tricks. In last year WhatsApp has launched new version of whatsapp messenger in which user can also know whether the recipient has read his/her message or not. Although this is quite cool feature but it can ruin your relationship if you don’t want to reply. isn’t it 🙂This feature was loved by some users but quite frustrating for others.
Many relationships has been ruined because of this feature.
So your wait is over friends.
In this trick I will tell you a way to get away from this problem.
For it Download the Hide Stats App from the official google play store. This application helps you to preserve your relationship with sender. It hides the read status of messages to sender.
Concept behind Hide Stats App
What this app does is, it actually closes your internet connection when you open the popular whatsapp app. So in this way sender doesn’t get a double blue tick on its message. There are other app available in the market but I found this app much cooler.
you might want to check these cool whatsapp tricks too
How to Install Whatsapp on Your PC Step by Step
2. How to Send files of different format like .apk & .exe, .pdf
In current whatsapp messenger, whatsapp doesn’t let you send files of different format. Although many other popular messenger has provided this option in their app. You can only send file of selected format. You can not share file having format like .exe,.zip,.pdf,.rar and etc.
But wait, here is the top whatsapp tricks Use a application called Cloud Send. CloudSend will send RAR, ZIP, PDFs, .EXE, APKs, etc, Word files and much more using WhatsApp.
This is really a treasure in whatsapp hack tricks collection. So just follow the steps and enjoy this whatsapp tricks.
You might want to read for detail guide about how to send files of different formats through whatsapp. Really amazing guide.
3. Know How Many Member in a Group Have Seen Your Messages
This is known as whatsapp group tricks in the geek’s world. Only few people are aware of it currently. The reason why this whatsapp tricks is so secret, because of it doesn’t have any direct visible option. So you can not access this whatsapp group facility direct.
Just follow the steps to know whatsapp group trics.
For android users
When you send messages to your friend in whatsapp you get blue tick after reading by friend. But the same facility is not available for a group message. Although the read status is not directly visible after message but actually this is hidden behind it. For this follow below steps and you will know who has seen your message and who has not:
- Press and hold the messages for knowing its read status by member.
- A popup button on top will show. Choose this option.
- Here you can see which member of your message have read your message and which has not.
For iOS device users
iOS whatsapp application also provides this facility. Just Follow below steps and know who has seen your message.
- Simply swipe from right to left on the message for knowing its status.
- Here you will see all details about your sent message. The member list who have read your message and list of member whom message has been delivered.
This is the best available whatsapp group tricks. Try this on your whatsapp group. It works everytime because it’s the inbuilt facility of whatsapp.
4. How to Unblock Yourself in WhatsApp tricks
Are you blocked from your friends in whatsapp latest version?. When we are connected with someone in whatsapp then surely we want to know their profile picture, whatsapp status, last seen and some other stuff. But if you are blocked by that person in whatsapp then surely you will not able to get so.
Many of you might want to know the whatsapp hack how to know someone block you? As in the new version of whatsapp its difficult to unblock yourself. So this whatsapp tricks will be life saver for you.
[sociallocker]For checking if someone has blocked you on whatsapp just send them a message if their last seen is greater than your sent messages then surely they have blocked you on whatsapp. Whatsapp messages are not delivered to the person who has blocked you on whatsapp.Top trending articles on android. Find your dating partner on bumble dating app android , Watch latest movies for free megabox hd, droid4x android emulator guide on techgeekers droid4x . Let me tell you droid4x is the perfect alternative for bluestacks.
It will reveal the trick how to unblock yourself from someone’s whatsapp? One of the user also asked me changing the name will it unblock myself from whats app? Well answer is very simple. Just follow below mentioned steps to know how to get unblocked on whatsapp latest version, whatsapp unblock tricks.
Friends, have you faced a situation when someone has blocked you on whatsapp. Blocking in whatsapp doesn’t let you send message to that number. But one hole in their policy will let you able to unblock yourself. This whatsapp secret tricks will let you know how to unblock yourself on whatsapp latest version.
Many users have asked “someone blocked me on whatsapp how to unblock“?
When you remove or delete your account from whatsapp the whatsapp policy says it will:
- Delete your account info and profile photo.
- Delete you from all whatsapp groups
- Delete your message history.
No need to download any external application for implementing this whatsapp tricks.
The second policy for this will also remove you from any blacklist in whatsapp.
- So delete your account.
- Again register and verify your mobile number in official whatsapp application.
- In this way you get unblocked from all of contacts which has you blocked in whatsapp.
So friends, enjoy. Now you can send message to them as much as you want (But please don’t spoil their life). Y
Your friend will certainly shocked to see your whatsapp message and certainly going to blame whatsapp for this, lol. This is applicable for both android and iOS platform.
So this is the trick for How to unblock yourself on Whatsapp latest version. Just Follow above mentioned tricks to unblock whatsapp account by following this simple whatsapp tricks tutorial.
Whatsapp is changing its policy day by day. Please do share your opinions if this tutorial to unblock whatsapp account helped you. If you have found this tutorial useful please share this trick for unblock whatsapp account.
This whatsapp unblock hack will surely help others.
The below trick is no longer working. I will update whatsapp unblocking trick if there is any in future.
Thank You
How to unblock yourself on whatsapp new version?[Working in OCT 2016]
The above method is no longer working. So I have come with a new trick. It will answer for your query like someone blocked me on whatsapp how to unblock.
I am not going to share this trick in this article. The Reasons are
- This trick is rarely available anywhere in the web
- I have myself experimented some tweaks in it.
- As I am continuously using whatsapp from 2012 when hardly anyone even knew about it. I see myself a bit more experienced in this field.
- Other webmaster are copying my site content. If I publish this trick here then soon they will copy it from here and this trick of whatsapp unblock will no longer be secret.
So due to avoid all problem I have found some another way to share this trick.
Thing you need to do to get this whatsapp trick ( Only 1 things.)
Like us on facebook
Yes!!, you have to only like me on facebook. Then message me through fb by sending me a message with NEED WHATSAPP UNBLOCK TRICK.
Below I have given the page. Just click on the like button below and message.
If you are having trouble finding the page link above (Some browser don’t support this). Then you can go to fb.com/techgeekersworld . Like the page and send me a message saying I need whatsapp unblock trick. I will then send them whatsapp unblock trick within 2 minutes. My support staff is excellent.
So this will go one at a time. This trick is currently working as of Nov 2016. I hope whatsapp will not find a way to crack for it as it is really too difficult for them too. So guys just drop your message on facebook to know how to unblock yourself on whatsapp latest version in 2016.
This is to ensure activity check on this trick. and then will send you this whatsapp unblock trick for latest version directly from facebook.
Those who doesn’t have believe on sharing this trick please be stay away from messaging me on facebook. Furthermore it is not the whatsapp unblocking trick in which you have to delete your whatsapp account to get back into the whatsapp.
WhatSim Is it really worth of its price?
5. How to Prevent Your WhatsApp Media from Appearing on Media Gallery.
We all love conversation with our loved one. When you send or receive images or video to someone, there are some media in whatsapp which you don’t want to show in media gallery. Because media gallery items are public. So anyone can see them. This whatsapp tricks really attracted me.
So friends if you want to maintain your privacy keeping your photo in memory then simply follow below steps:
- Download ES File manager from google play store.
- Navigate to whatsapp folder. Now go to images and video folder.
- Make a new folder with name .nomedia and save the changes.
This folder will make all your images and videos hidden in media gallery.
Really a cool whatsapp tricks, is not it? share your view about this in comments.
Top 10 Reasons Why Hike is Better Than Whatsapp
6. Try WhatStat for whatsapp
Friends, if statistics attracts you then you are going to love WhatStat application. This provides the all insight details of your whatsapp friends. Some of the feature it provides are:
- In which time your friends are mostly active.
- You will get percentage of active users.
- Who is your top whatsapp friend.
- What are your top whatsapp groups.
So just download this application and enjoy this cool whatsapp tricks in your phone.
7. How to Hack the Conversation of Your Friend- Whatsapp Tricks
Do you know how to hack whatsapp conversation of your friend?
Have you ever believed that it is possible to perform top hacks in whatsapp?
Whatsapp is very vulnerable still. Although they are updating their service frequently.
If you want to know how to hack whatsapp then follow these secret whatsapp tricks. It will certainly boost your knowledge about whatsapp.
Steps for hacking your friend’s whatsapp conversation
- Navigate to the your smartphone MICROSD card .
- Click on the Whatsapp and then on the Database choice.
- If you have completely performed above two steps. then you will get two files
Note: please make a backup of these two files.
4. Go to your friends phone and copy these two files from their whatsapp database. Just paste these files in your whatsapp data files.
5. Restart whatsapp. You will see all conversation of your friend in your whatsapp messenger.
I hope you have successfully hacked your friend’s whatsapp account. Share this with you friend if you liked tips for whatsapp.
8. How to Lock your whatsapp conversation
We all do our most of the conversation through whatsapp. Therefore it is very necessary for us to protect our talk in whatsapp. Whatsapp doesn’t provide any inbuilt facility for protecting user’s conversation.
In this whatsapp trick I will tell how you can protect or hide your whatsapp conversation. This trick will enable security lock for your whatsapp account.
A number of apps in the play store are available to protect apps. I am here reveal the best app for protecting whatsapp messages. It is whatsapp lock
download whatsapp lock from here.
Just install whatsapp lock in your android. Add a password to it. All your whatsapp conversations are now secured.
Remember do not forget to share this awesome whatsapp tricks and tips in you social media. Give a chance to your friend to make a wow for whatsapp. 🙂
9. How To Create a Fake Conversation in whatsapp- Whatsapp tricks
Do you know you can now create fake conversations in whatsapp. You probably have seen the troll of kadippa from Bahubali. How do they make fake conversation as they are for only entertainment purpose. You can see many of such of popular celebrities.
Do you want to create your own fake conversation in whatsapp?
Now it can be easily done. By using WhatSaid you can actually make fake conversations.
10. How to use whatsapp without number?
Seems weird right!! but believe me or not it is possible by this trick. You can use whatsapp without any number. I found this whatsapp tricks hottest in the market. However there is a trick in this. It means you don’t need your number for using whatsapp but it will use whatsapp through other’s number. But here is the most tricky part. How you are going to get verification by that phone? I mean if it is not your number. It is possible through Fake whatsapp Number. We are bringing best in all whatsapp tricks for you. Keep enjoying these whatsapp tricks and tips 2016.
Steps for using whatsapp without number: whatsapp tricks
- If you are already using whatsapp on your phone then uninstall whatsapp from your phone.
- You need to download whatsapp from the play store and do install it on your device.You need to follow this step as this is necessary if you want to use whatsapp without number.
- Now to bypass phone verification you need to enable flight mode in your device.
Haha!! you will love the tricky part here. Open whatsapp it will ask for your mobile number for verification. Insert your mobile no. Don’t worry it will not able to send you verification message as you have already enabled flight mode.
- Whatsapp will ask you to choose alternate options for verify your mobile number.
- Click on “Check through SMS”. Now here you need to enter your email address.
- Be aware guys!!!. Most care should be taken for this step. Press SEND button and then immediately click CANCEL button. In this way whatsapp will not able to initialize the authentication process needed for verifying your mobile number.
SECOND PART of this trick will now begin.
For android users :Download Spoof messages apps from google play store.
For iOS users download Fake-A-Message
- Open Spoofer Application. Send message to false verification.
- Details for Spoofed Message:
To: +447900347295
from +(country code) (mobile number)
Message: Your Email Address
- You can use spoofed number for using whatsapp. You can connect with friends by using this number.
11. How to make whatsapp free for lifetime?
1- Apple account
2- Temporarily acess to a iPhone.
3- Don’t worry guys we are not here to damage their phone.
Follow theseSteps for using this cool whatsapp tricks
- Take your friends phone. Logout from his apple id.
- Now login from your apple id.
- Uninstall his whatsapp from his device. Insert your sim in his/her iphone.
- Again install whatsapp from the apple app store.
- Open whatsapp and fill up the all required details(Yours not your friends).
- Verify your number. And logut from your apple account.
- Don’t forget to say a BIG thanks to her/him. Takeout your sim.
- Insert it on your android phone. And here again you have to verify your number for whatsapp. You don’t need to worry about this. As with every device change you need to verify your number.
Wow!! Finally you got whatsapp accout for lifetime. You can verify it by going Setting>Account>Payment
I am preety sure that you liked this whatsapp tricks. Please share your views in the comments under the post.
12. How to hide sent image with other image ? Best whatsapp tricks
Many of techgeekers readers asked that what is the latest whatspp trick which let’s you hide sent image with another. There is no hidden trick friends in this. It is the magic of this app. Just download it on your device and enjoy pranking with friends.
- For Android- Magiapp tricks App Download and enjoy this best whatsapp tricks on your phone.
- For iOS : FhumbApp
13. How to change your friends profile picture through your phone?
One of the best whatsapp tricks availabe for your whatsapp application. You can chane your friends profile picture on your whatsapp account. I want to make sure that it doesn’t change globally. But anyway you can prank with them saying that hey buddy!! What kind of Dp you have currently? Is not it weird? 🙂
- Search for funny profile pictures. And select the best funniest thing among all.
- Resize the image to 561×561 pixels.
- Rename image with your friends mobile number.
- Save it in SD card -> WhatsApp -> Profile Pictures.
- Now Disable internet connectiviy on your phone. Otherwise whatsapp will automatically update again that dp.
Now take that whatsapp dp to your friends. And give them a big shock with the changed image that someone has hacked their whatsapp account probably.
14. Use multiple whatsapp account in a single phone
In general you cannot have more than one whatsapp account on a single phone. But suppose if you have more than one sim then also you can use only one account in whatsapp. If you make diferent account in different phone then you can loose all your chat if you loose that particular phone. So its better to have multiple whatsapp account on a single phone. Earlier it was not possible but nowdays it is.
- Download and install switchme app from google play store.
- Just add another whatsapp account in it. You can now access two whatsapp account on your phone.
15. Send Bold, Italics Or Strikethrough Text In Whatsapp
- Send bold text by putting text between (*). For example *Hi*
- Send italic text by putting text between (_). For example _Hi_
- Send strikethrough text by putting text between (~). For example ~Hi~
If you liked above whatsapp tricks then do bookmark this page. I loved the section someone blocked me on whatsapp how to unblock you liked the most. We will continuously update these whatsapp tricks in future too. You can come back later and enjoy these whatsapp triks.
So these are latest whatsapp tricks collection. I hope friends you get banefitted from these whatsapp tricks and learned atleast one new trick from here and implemented it on your device. Please do share these cool whatsapp tricks 2016 with your friend.
Download Whatsapp for your phone
If you have any problem, suggestion for any new whatsapp tricks, please feel free to comment.
Last update 18 dec
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All our readers kindly don’t fall for these kind of messages. They are trap!
Nice Article ….