You love reading lots of Books- Amazon Kindle Reader is for you(World’s best Ebook reader)

Are you a bookworm ?
Do you purchase a lot of books and read them day and night ?
Do you want to carry thousands of books at your pocket ?
Do you want to buy books at very cheap rates ?
If the answer to all these questions is yes then Amazon Kindle Reader is for you.
Some of the best features of Amazon Kindle Reader are :
1.It is designed for Readers
- Now Read comfortably in bright Sunlight also : I hope you understand how powerful this device is as it provides best reading experience in bright sunlight also. Actually this device uses E-Ink technology which uses environment light to make the user view the document.
- There will be no stress on eyes and no glare. Therefore, it’s suitable for long time readers.
Very Light it weighs only 170gms – it easily fits in your pocket, now carry paperback like books in your packet very easily
- See the word in crisp, sharp, print-like and convinient way. It also improves image quality so get better quality of text and image in comparison to LCD displays.
Read in any position this Ebook reader will adjust itself according to your position of reading. When you read for long hours the you don’t want to sit in one position only , you change your reading position frequently and so does Amazon Kindle reader adjusts itself .
2. Enormously Collection of Books at Amazon Kindle Store for free or at very cheap price
- Get free sample of every book you want to buy so that you can get the preview of that book
- Some books are available at Kindle Book Store only so get access to these unique books
- Get access to millions of Ebooks, one of the largest ebooks collection
3. Some advantages over Physical books using Amazon Kindle Reader
- Adjust Text Sizes and Font according to your Choice
- It supports various other languages such as Cyrillic, Japanese, Chinese and Korean characters and many more
- Easily and swiftly turn pages
- Automatic backup will be made in the cloud and download your deleted files from cloud for free that you have previously purchased
- Search wiki-pedia for finding meaning and definition of some words
- Make Bookmarks and Annotations in your Document. You can easily export you notes to the document you are reading
4. Battery lasts for One month with about 1 hour daily reading
It also charges very quickly in about 3 hours and use it for many weeks(about one month)
5.Many different formats supported
It support following formats: AZW(kindle format), TXT, PDF, MOBI, HTML, DOC, DOCX and basic image formats.
For more information and details of this reader go here
I hope this must have helped book lovers.
Hope you enjoyed reading this post and learned some new things.