An Accurate Guide to Become a Blockchain Developer
Do you want to become a become Blockchain developer?
With higher salaries, reports of Ethereum Dapps becoming very successful overnight, and new interesting technical challenges, the Blockchain is very attractive for developers. To know more about blockchain, visit
Defining the Goal
A lot of new developers are lured to the Blockchain world because of the crazy gains of cryptocurrencies. I can understand that this is very exciting, and it’s great to make money, but if you rely on this alone your excitement might be short-lived. Ideally, you should have at least another motivation. For example:
Picking a Blockchain
If you aim at becoming a successful Blockchain developer, the thing that you should always remember is that you don’t require knowing every Blockchain. Focusing on some Blockchain technologies that matter is what you have to do. Alongside this, you should also not get distracted by the others. The most popular Blockchains happen to be Bitcoin, EOS, and Ethereum.
Learning about the already existing Dapps
There are more than 2000 applications built on Ethereum and new ones are released every day. We call these applications Decentralized Applications or Dapps. A great way to discover popular Dapps is to visit a Dapp list website. The most famous Dapp list websites are StateOfTheDapps (the historical one) and DappRadar (the cool new kid). The most common Dapps that you can build on Ethereum are Decentralized Exchanges, Gambling Dapps, Games, and Marketplaces.
Learning about Ethereum
The Ethereum protocol is at the basis of the smart contracts as well as Dapps. What you need to understand is the basics of Ethereum for understanding the development processes and results on Ethereum. That being said, you should never get confused about anything here. Always make sure that you have an understanding of the cryptographies and the distributed systems, specifically when your goal is building the applications on Ethereum (Dapps), and not building an Ethereum protocol itself.
Learning the Development Tools and Libraries
Here, you need tools like Solc, Remix, Truffle, Web3, Metamask, and Ganache.
Knowing about Smart Contracts and Solidity
Smart contracts happen to be Dapps’ major building blocks. There are programs that are deployed on Ethereum Blockchain and they run in an autonomous way when deployed. It means that right after you start deploying them, the network will be there to take care of its running. You don’t require anything else. On the contrary, Solidity happens to be the language used for writing smart contracts. It also comes with syntax alike to that of the Javascript.
Building Your Dapp
For this, you have to follow some tutorial studies that elaborately explain how you will proceed to build your own Dapp.
Preparing for the Blockchain interviews
The blockchain interview will be of different topics. You will have to have an understanding of Blockchain and Bitcoin. You should also be familiar with how Ethereum exactly works. Additionally, you should also have knowledge about how smart contracts & solidity work in general. Lastly, you should also be prompt about how Dapp works.
Right after you do so, you should apply to the blockchain jobs and start getting help from the respective communities.