Compelling Reasons To Consider Guest Blogging

Link building has not vanished. Getting a link from other websites fulfills your SEO goal. Google always appreciates backlinks because it helps the search engine bots to crawl much quickly. Guest blogging is one such link building strategy that offers a chance to include links as well as share to a wide audience and enhance your author ranking.
Reasons to consider guest blogging
Writing engaging and interesting posts allows you to demonstrate your knowledge in a niche and build authority. After you contribute a guest post on a site, you are recognized as a trusted source. Writing about a niche you are well-versed in allows building credibility among your audience. You become the go-to person when they need a solution to their relevant issues down the road.
Guest blogging on another website or blog helps to increase your brand exposure. Therefore, find popular blogs and niche website, which approves guest authors to submit their content. You can even take help from a professional Quality Guest Posting Service for your entire link building campaign from start to finish.
The team handles everything from finding niche blogs, write posts, make a pitch, submit to authoritative sites, and more. After the guest post gets published, your brand gets exposed before new audiences creating awareness.
Guest blogging allows you to achieve Google Authorship. It lets Google know you as an authoritative writer. You can add your photo beside your name. It appears in search results. Google Authorship is a crucial algorithm considered while ranking.
New leads
First-time visitors reading your guest post can transform into new leads. Keep in mind that guest blogging offers an opportunity to network with new prospective leads. New readers get exposed to your knowledge and expertise.
They get impressed and approach your website for more information. Even if they don’t visit you right now, they have a positive connection. Guest blogging even helps to build a relationship in the relevant industry you are associated with.
Website traffic
Guest blogging results in a traffic increase on your website. Generally, guest bloggers are allowed to add a link in exchange for their contribution. It is this link that directs quality traffic towards your blog/site. Traffic inflow means people are landing on your site to gain more information about your brand.
If you are planning to start guest blogging to enjoy the above benefits, then here are some tips that will make your endeavor more successful.
Tips to get your pitch approved
Develop a relationship with influencers
Before you make a pitch to blog hosts, it is essential to build a relationship with influencers in your industry. It will help when you pitch. Today, host blogger receives hundreds of pitches, and if you have a connection the chances of your email getting the deserved attention increases. Host bloggers never open pitches from total strangers.
Connect with niche influencers by sharing their posts, commenting on their posts, getting tagged with them on social media, etc. All this helps to build goodwill, which reciprocates positively when you pitch.
Choose target sites carefully
Google for high ranking niche websites that approve guest posts. You will be presented with a long list but you need to target niche blogs or sites that have an active audience and are interested in your niche. The host blogger needs to be active on social media, so you can expect more free advertisement for the post you will contribute.
Pitch smartly
Avoid mistakes like –
- Not including the host blogger’s name or writing the wrong name.
- Not adding your previous work’s link.
- Pitching irrelevant topics.
- Ignoring spelling & grammatical errors.
- Not following the host blogger’s author’s guidelines.
Pitch with an engaging customized post
Host bloggers are always on the lookout for interesting guest authors to keep their blog on top. If you pitch with a customized post ready to publish the chances to get approval increases. For this analyze their top-performing posts and identify a content gap. Link your content to related posts on the blogger’s site.
Guest blogging has and will always be an effective digital marketing strategy!