How Can Foodies Make Money From Social Media Platforms Like Instagram?

Foodies are everywhere around the world.
Be it any occasion from birthday parties to weddings, the food is what everyone looks forward to. There were times when caterers, restaurants, use to give advertise in newspapers with their discount alerts or festive menus, but now with social media influencer marketing, it is far easier to engage with the audience and get immediate feedback for the same.
With famous influencers like Bakerbynature, Plantifullybased, and many others the visual medium has changed the way of sharing food and its related recipe.
People are now interested in knowing the other person’s food stories through their series of photos and reel makings.
Everyone has their personal favorite person on social media to whom they follow for fashion, food, and lifestyle updates.
Thus, such social platforms have given chance to almost every person who is good at photography, videography, interacting with the virtual audience to become famous by engaging the audience on their profile.
If you are an excellent cook or are passionate about food vlogging, there are ample of food and beverage brands looking for influencers to make their brand image across the internet.
Want to promote restaurants, food, and cafe businesses?
Are you popular on millennial platforms for your food grams?
Then to expand your influencer business we have got you some ideas that can help in strategizing your online presence.
Collaborate with a brand that your audience is likely to appreciate
At the end of the day, you need to maintain the engagement and retain the followers along with the new ones. You can also buy targeted instagram followers. You will get online promoting projects on the basis of your audience’s behavior.
So, you have to personally keep an eye on the analytics of each of the foodgram post and look at the most interesting content or recipe that has the highest views & comments to unleash your followers’ real interests on your profile.
This will make collaboration with the brands easy as you will be able to define your audience with their interests. For instance, your audience is fond of different types of desserts and its makings, but you collaborate with a healthy product brand which they are not willing to see or know about.
Eventually they will lose interest in you and unfollow your page. Thus, it is very much important for you to know your followers and bring the brands they are interested to know about. You can also get to know about them by reading their comments and maybe checking your DMs, as they usually suggest the videos or recipes they want to know from you.
Create a recipe or photo post for the product’s advertisement
This can be done by a newbie food blogger as well as the ones who are famous. Even if you have no sponsorships or collaboration campaigns going on, you should keep up the effort of posting photos and designing content pieces around a particular product. The food and beverage brands looking for influencers will get attracted by your creative ideas using one product and may rope in for their own branding campaign.
By doing such an effort you might get opportunities like cooking in the restaurant to promote the restaurant or make a recipe with the chef of the hotel. It can also turn out to be your own recipe with that specific product use followed by a series of photography sessions with it.
For newbies in the business it is more of a barter system with the brands, but after you reach upto 5k-10k followers there are brands that will approach you with a proper campaign and revenue tie-ups.
Large following and amazing content means better sponsorship & ambassadorship opportunities
If you want to lure brands, you need to be persistent with your content creation. It will also help you to maintain a balance between your audience and the brands.
Sponsorships and ambassador offers come along your path when you have reached a certain number of followers, let’s say 50k and above.
The brands specifically look at the demographics of the audience before approaching any influencer for their online campaign. It is very much essential for you to have local followers for other event and advertising opportunities.
Eventually you will get paid as per the online sponsorship contract renewal with the brand and you might as well get some other perks like free goodies, a trip to other countries to shoot , and more.
Brand tie-ups for events and workshops
Nowadays there are many online and offline events conducted for the people who are eager to meet their famous influencers and learn from them.
Especially, when it comes to cooking there is more to observe in person than to just scroll on a phone.
So, for a food blogger it is an opportunity to interact with their followers, created by the brand they have collaborated with and market both i.e. his creativity and culinary skills along with the product he has to promote under his name.
This gives more exposure to the branding campaign online and also attracts new followers to the profile.
Thus, the online marketing world has a room full of opportunities for every influencer.
The only element setting one influencer apart from the other is the followers and the content creation abilities. Being an influencer you have to persistently improve your audience approach with photographs, videos, reels, IGTVs, live chats, comment replying. This will satisfy your followers and bring you brands to collaborate and do online business with.
As far as the food industry is concerned, it goes parallel with the tourism and accommodation industry.
So, if any food and beverage brands looking for influencers you might as well have an opportunity to roam around the world tasting dishes and meeting new people & staying in good places. The whole world comes around you when you are into influencer marketing.
Experience it for yourself and search for a suitable brand or product to promote for your audiences.