13 Web Design Tricks to Increase Traffic on Your Website

If you want to increase web traffic to your website, a good web design is critical.
People visit a website and if they are not happy with how things are laid out or how information is presented to them, they leave. For example, if you have a law business and if you have a website based on your business but that website does not represent who you are and your portfolio perfectly then you will not get enough clients from your website. That’s why a good law firm website design is important for your business. If you’re thinking of revamping your website or designing a new one, choose only the best digital marketing and web design agency – TheAdFirm.net. but if you are doing it yourself, a few easy tricks can help you increase traffic to your website. This article highlights the 13 web design tricks that can increase web traffic.
Mobile-First Approach
Responsive designs are critically important today, the mobile-first approach ensures that the major audience that visits your website from their mobiles are not disappointed. More than 50% of your customers visit the website using a mobile phone ad that is why they constitute your major chunk of visitors.
Color Selection
The colors used on the website shouldn’t be too dark as they compromise the readability for the audience. Minimum colors should be used and the same theme should be followed throughout the website.
Font Selection
If you read about website design, there are a few fonts that are preferred for web design because they are more understandable by the audience. If you are considering a web design agency, they will use the fonts that you can understand easily. A major misconception, Times New Roman is not the best pick for websites, read more about font conventions for the web, and choose a font accordingly.
Main Menu Appearance
The main menu on the website is on the left upper end and that is where the visitor will look for it. The menu should be simple and easily accessible for all.
Clear Call to Action
What you want the customer to do on your website should be very clear and that is what the call to action is. If you want them to contact you, make sure the buttons are conveniently placed or if you want them to make a purchase, take them to that page.
Minimal Design
Less is more when it comes to your website design, you don’t have to stuff in a lot of things to get the audience’s attention. On the contrary, this will distract them and they will eventually leave.
Identify your target audience and then personalize your message for them. Try to understand their needs and their demands and integrate that into your designs.
White Space
White space on your website is critical, this ensures that the audience’s attention is directed to where you want it to go.
Optimum Speed
This will include the page load time as well as the navigation time from one part of the website to the other. Each function on the website should be fast.
Search Bar
The search bar is an essential part of a good web design, it adds convenience to your audience and will significantly reduce their search time as well.
Include a comprehensive main menu, this will ensure that the visitor can easily navigate through your website without getting lost.
Mix it Up
If you have content on your website, mix it up a little to break the monotony of the design. Some pages can have more text while others can be minimally populated.
Easy Contact and Chat Options
If you want your visitor to reach out to you or request a quote or you want them to fill in a form, make sure these buttons and forms are easily available to them.
These 13 tricks will significantly help you in increasing the traffic to your website. Choose what works for you and enjoy the enhanced web experience.