10 Security Flaws That Should Be Fixed by Now

Cyberattacks are inevitable, their probability is independent of the size of your business.
If there is an internet connection, then you are already a tidbit for cyber-cheaters.
Besides, we are all not perfect, we make mistakes.
Well, let’s take a look at the 10 common cybersecurity bugs, which should be fixed by now so that you can sleep in peace.
The first mistake is to think that you are already safe or that it is not your responsibility, but that guy from the IT department. As mentioned above, everyone who uses the Internet is in danger.
Your systems must be prepared for an attack that could happen at any moment.
And each of your employees should also know about it, understand their personal responsibility and the place they occupy in the company’s security system.
The second error is bad password management.
As we wrote before, many people do not follow their passwords and their quality. You have to control which passwords your employees use.
If necessary, you need to take over this functionality and make sure that passwords are issued, their quality and updated on time.
The third bug :- is a spiteful attitude towards backups.
As they say, there are two types of administrators: those who make backups and those who will make backups.
You must make sure that no matter what happens, you can always restore the data you need to work with in the shortest possible time. Multiple backups (including standalone backups), regular revisions of backups – all of this should become an integral part of your system.
Next – reactive strategies. You don’t have to wait for something to happen, and then run your eyes out and try to fix what’s broken. You must think about your defense system so that no one can crack it, so that possible attack vectors are minimized.
Preventive measures always avoid the vast majority of problems.
Let’s move on – an ill-conceived system of user privileges. As we wrote in the previous article, one of the most important conditions for preventing cybersecurityincidents is a thoughtful issuance of privileges necessary for work and timely removal of those that are not necessary.
The most common and obvious error is using outdated systems or lack of updates.
You have to remember that you are stingy paying twice and if you decide to save on your security, nothing good will come out of it. Your systems must be configured correctly and have the latest service pack.
The most urgent problem is the lack of a well-developed policy of remote work.
At the present time, when many people have moved to work from home, it was unexpected for many companies. You should have clear rules of use of mobile devices by the working question.
A secure connection should be set up to work with internal services. And, of course, the preventive work with employees is carried out.
The error that follows from the previous one is to hang the execution of security procedures on their employees, ordinary users. First of all, they are not experts in digital technology. Secondly, even experts can be mistaken. So use technical solutions to provide security, and let your employees do their jobs. Don’t forget to give them the minimum required cyber security knowledge so that they don’t do anything completely outright stupid.
Lack of control over some systems. If you control and monitor, you must control and monitor all the systems you have. Because when the consequences of an incident appear, it is usually too late to change something, you have to work out the consequences. And the consequences can be worse the later the problem becomes known. So your employee monitoring software must be comprehensive and consistent.
And finally, the last problem is the lack of a plan.
When you have a first time and you don’t have a clear plan of action, you panic.
Panic prevents you from making balanced and optimal decisions.
So you have to sit down and write a clear plan, what to do if an incident occurs. Following this plan in the most effective way, under stressful conditions, you can minimize the consequences of the incident. In addition, with a certain periodicity, you should audit the plan, in order to find ways to improve it.
Even now, by solving these problems within your company, you will significantly improve the stability of your business processes, and thus save money!
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