How to get Google adsense Approval for your Blog

Google Adsense is certainly the king of advertising network for monetization of a blog.
Google Adsense offers better CPC then any other advertising network. Therefore Google Adsense is a dream for every blogger. During the era of its early days till late 2010 getting Google adsense was quite easy but now getting approval for Google adsense is quite difficult. The adsense policy has been changed and now you need to strictly follow adsense rules and meet the requirement for trying hands on Google Adsense. Publisher who give advertisement to Google use the Google Adwords tool which gives highest CTR for every web page.
A few month ago I have also applied for Google Adsense for this blog and was amazed to see that I got approval in the first time. This led me to the idea of writing a complete tutorial on How to guaranteed get Google Adsense for your blog in the first time and make money from your blog.
Below I have shared some Genuine and practically proven tips for getting Google Adsense on a blog
Design your blog for getting Google Adsense
The first and important things for getting Google Adsense for your blog is to have a design layout that meets the requirement of Google Adsense program. All Google Adsense application are manually reviewed, hence it is necessary that you make all appropriate changes before applying for a Google adsense account. Mainly what I have observed till my blogging journey is that Google Adsense team see the site for its readability and attractiveness to its targeted users.
If the site is poorly designed leading hardly readable to users such as light background followed by white text. You can imagine yourself what you will do after landing on that site, The answer is obvious you just simply go away from it. You can use of free wordpress themes which is popular in your niche or can opt for a professionally designed paid theme which suits to your bugget. For your information guys there is a site called
If you have ever came across a site design you fall in love with than this is the site for you. It automatically detects the themes and plugin the site is using.
Number & Quality of Posts
Well, this is the most confusing question for newbie blogger. What are the exact number of posts required before applying for a Google Adsense approval? This is the question for which you will find different answer in every other site. What we can do in this situation to be on the safer side. What I have observed till this date, that your blog should have at-least 35+ quality written non-copied post. Article length is also matter of thing. Google Adsense favors the content which has article length of greater than 500+ words. Again it also depends on your niche. If you have site like deals and coupons then it is hardly possible to reach this length of article. So in this case you should have at-least provided the quality and exact information required to the user. If you provide the content keeping in mind only search engine then it is hardly possible that your site will be approved by Google. What Google wants is that to serve quality content among the users. If your motto doesn’t meat with the Google then it is quite difficult to have the Google Adsense. So do write the quality and lengthy content in a way that user reading the information doesn’t need to go anywhere while reading.
Domain Name and Age
First thing you should apply Google Adsense for your root domain. If you have domain like and a sub-domain like then you should apply Google Adsense for . The other important thing that I have observed is Google Adsense gives priority to the domain which are on the wordpress platform. Say it fair or not but it is observed by many blogger. Reasons seems straightway, WordPress platform is used by 23% in top sites. So it being seen as as standard. The last important thing is that you should have a custom domain means you shouldn’t have a domain like instead of . I am telling you this rule is not necessary but due to large number of free domains Google generally gives less attention to such blogs. So to be on safer side for getting Google Adsense .Choose custom specific domain for your blog if you have not one yet.
Google Adsense policy says for the countries like India and china the domain name should be at-least 6 months old.As Google Adsense Team states..
In some locations, including China and India, we require publishers to have owned their sites for 6 months. We’ve taken this step to ensure the quality of our advertising network and protect the interests of our advertisers and existing publishers.
But it has been seen that Domain with age only of 1 month in India has got Google Adsense approval. So Domain age is not hard written rule. What Google actually wants is quality. If you have Quality content then you will surely Get Google Adsense approval after 1 month.
Traffic Types
What Google Adsense says about traffic is you should atleast have 50+ organic user in a day. Although this rule doesn’t seem to be so strict because you can easily get these traffic number if you are providing quality content with SEO. The traffic you are getting should not be of paid types. Otherwise Google’s powerful algorithm are now capable of detecting such paid traffic. You will easily get banned by Google in that case. So for getting traffic you should mainly target search engines. you can also target Social media sites such as Facebook, twitter, Google+ etc. Black hat strategy is strictly prohibited in Google Adsense.
Privacy Policy
Google loves those people who do their work professionally. So it always necessary to have a privacy policy page in your blog. You can use free privacy policy generator tool for Google Adsense and add it to your blog page.
As Google Adsense has stated privacy policy should have These things Here is the link for the site by which I created privacy policy for this site.
Make privacy policy for your site
About US Page
These are things which mostly neglected by many blogger but trust me these are things which gives your site a professional look. Your users should know who you are. Therefore you should have an about us page. This will bring a feeling of trust among your users.
Contact us page
The need of professional look theme tell you for a contact us page. Through the contact us page users can directly contact to you regarding a query, suggestion or any complaint on some issue. It is preferable to have professional email address on your contact us page like Although it is not necessary but always appreciated. If possible then try to include your social connecting links in your Contact us page. This way you are telling the users that you care about them.
Verify Name & Email for Google Adsense
There are some bots present in the Internet world which are capable of applying for Google Adsense automatically. So provide the same email id by which you are applying for Google Adsense in the section of About us or contact use. When Google Adsense team is reviewing your site it gives them a trust that you are the owner of your site.
Search Engine Friendly
Whether you care about Google Adsense or not it is always necessary to have search engine friendly site. Below are the steps you need to follow for making your site search engine friendly which is a huge boost up for getting Google Adsense.
- You should have robots.txt file for your blog which tells search engine which part of your site search engine should visit.
- Use a professional plugine like WordPress SEO by Yoast. Provide the SEO tittle and meta description for every blog post.
- Also provide the meta tag info. This gives a rough idea to search engine what the content is all about.
- Provide the keyword you are optimizing for in the Focus Keyword Section. This is the keyword for which your blog will mainly rank. although you can also opt for 2-3 keywords.
Google AdSense permissible content
Google Adsense doesn’t support the sites which serves content like porn, hacking, copyrighted content, cracking content, alcohol, drugs and other illegal content. Please note that Google adsense has different policies for different area so check your regions policy.
Don’t apply when your site is blocked
Google Adsense can never be approved for the site which are blocked in search results. For this type in the Google search box. If your site appears in the search results then your site is not blocked otherwise there is problem by which your site has been blocked by the Google.
After following the above mentioned steps apply for Google Adsense here
I hope you will get Adsense approval for your blog. However if you don’t get the approval this is not the end of the world. There are plenty of method available in the advertising network.
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Indeed a great post about Google Adsense approval.
Google Adsense is the best advertising network and people love to place adsense ads on their websites. I don’t find any other alternative which can replace Google Adsense.
But It is also hard to get an approved Adsense account. and I don’t think that there would any exact method by following which we can get adsense approval.
You wouldn’t believe that I got 2 Adsense account approval with a blog:
1. Which is few days old.
2. Having only 8-10 posts.
3. 0 traffic on that blog.
4. Not having any single important page like About, Contact or any other.
Before these 2 approvals, I tried so many times with a blog having all the things like important pages, traffic etc etc But I never get approved with that blog.
That’s why I believe that there is no any exact method by which we can get approved Adsense account.
BTW I appreciate your efforts and Thanks for sharing such an in-depth article with us. 😀
Thanks Brenda for dropping by.
Yes, I do agree with the fact that Google has some doubtful procedure.
Sometimes You can easily get Google Adsense approval and sometimes it goes really hard to get one.
However, I still do believe that Google Adsense Team sees about us, contact and some must have pages for any websites.
I guess it is good to be on safer side.
I would like to hear more from you.
Tech Geekers