Email Marketing – What Your SMTP Server Is Trying To Tell You

Email marketing is not only a great option for promoting your products, but you can easily advertise and let your customers know about the deals and services that you will be showering them with!
Newsletters, ads and offers can be shared with the help of bulk emails.
Email marketing is indeed very effective and helpful, but as your customer base increases, the volume of emails also keep on increasing. Then, you might start facing this problem when you start sending emails to several million customers for months on end. This happens mainly because of the number of emails that you send out each day.
Your SMTP server might get choked or overburdened – the reasons can be varied. But you need to spot the signs and take prompt action so that the mail server is healthy and fine.
Now, what does your SMTP server do for you?
The SMTP server is perhaps the most important component to support a winsome email marketing strategy. It basically works like your mail transfer agent.
The server receives the bulk emails from your email marketing software, and then it determines the customer’s domain.
Next, it would deliver the mails to those domains addresses that are present in your list.
You would find a lot of free SMTP servers that used to help people in olden days to send their bulk emails.
But with passing time, as the volume increased, these servers were unable to deliver desired results. Some of the problems faced by bulk email senders would include, email bounce backs, email not getting delivered to specific domains along with email authentication standard support like SPF.
Problems with your SMTP server that you must not ignore
For a victorious email marketing strategy to operate smoothly, you must take care of the SMTP server. You need to be wary of certain signs that indicate that your server might be facing problems.
What signs?
Well, let us find them out –
- The delivery time of emails is really long. One of the main reasons behind this is that your SMTP server is unable to bear the load volume of the emails. There are many other reasons for long delivery time including, anti-spam techniques and if you send emails beyond the threshold limits of ISP.
- Emails to specific domains are not delivered. This can happen if the ISP has blacklisted your email address. There can be multiple reasons behind this, too many users have marked your emails as spam or your email volume is beyond the threshold limits of ISP etc.
- If the response decreases or remains flat with the increasing email volumes, then there can exist a problem in deliverability. This deliverability problem can occur due to any of the reasons stated above.
The SMTP servers that are free and easily available might not be able to solve your problems. You should look out for commercially available SMTP servers since these are really robust and will fetch you a high return on your email marketing investments.
As an alternative for SMTP protocol, you might want to consider IMAP or POP. Read this article to find out the difference and decide what suits your project the best.